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THEFT ALERTS! SnapChat has been found stealing from TikTok

SnapChat Lens Challenge

Last year we read that Facebook stole the well-known, widely used story feature from SnapChat. The theft was well received by Facebook users. According to TechCrunch, about 150M FB users are using the story feature daily. WhatsApp stories get even more users, up to 450M per day. We can say that the big fishes are always there keeping an eye on the trends by either spying on their users or using some cool techs or whatever. The same happened in the last couple of days but this time the big fish is SnapChat.

SnapChat launches its “new feature” called Lens Challenge where its users can participate in different challenges like they do in TikTok’s lip syncing challenges. Users can select to participate in challenges by creating a snap with a Lens that is themed to a particular song or a melody etc. The company offers official challenges where the users can select any Lens from the Lens Explorer section of the App, select a song and lip sync with it and send it to one of the official challenges to be featured on the app. However, there are other challenges which are created by the community members.

Disappear” is a challenge created by a SnapChat user Jye Trudinger. In this challenge, users are asked to take two photos which are layered over each other in order to make the photo’s subject to disappear. If you are interested to find more challenges, you can go to the Lens Challenge section.
Although it seems like a theft but the company hopes to get more user engagement by creating more challenges. SnapChat is trying to save its sinking ship as it has lost its 2M users in Q3. That’s enough motivation even to steal a single feature from someone. All it is, is just a damn feature. It won’t bring any catastrophe to the world. Right? It is just a feature. As Facebook have stolen its trending story feature, I think SnapChat has the right to do the same to take its revenge.

Anyhow, SnapChat has made an effort to bring us something “new”. It’s worth a try.
